
Rural Texas Grant Awards

Texas Rural Communities, Inc. (TRC) makes a long-term commitment to assisting rural communities, individuals, groups and support organizations in creating, sustaining and enabling self-sufficient, viable rural development enterprises that improve or maintain the quality of rural life, through independent and cooperative ventures.

TRC will accomplish its goals by providing loan opportunities in rural areas for individuals or groups who have had difficulty accessing funding through other sources.

Economic Development Loan Program Summary

TRC will offer loans for business start-ups and business expansions. Loans for commercial real estate as part of the business will also be considered.

Texas Rural Grant Program

TRC solicits applications annually for projects in rural communities that have been developed and implemented for the benefit of the local community or economy. Staff funding and new building construction are not eligible for funding. TRC is looking for sustainable programs serving the rural community.

For more information on applying for this year’s grant, please click here for Application Process and Instructions.